Thursday, August 6, 2015

One Time for Technology

Since my last post I talked about some complaints and hiccups about technology, I figured I'd reflect on some more positives.

For example, currently, I"m sitting on my laptop hooked up to a thunderbolt in an office across town, fully functional as a type away.  My email is up, my office phone is forwarded to my cell.  Many staff members are experiencing the same.  The video texted to me last night showing a waterfall cascading through a building and leaving office components unusable for the next fews days, and photographs of the area as pieces were covered moved to prevent damage are on phones as evidence of the experience.  Others were communicated with and news spread quickly to get things taken care of.

And we keep going. And we can because of technology, and some of the tools that allow communities and networks to come together, to travel and move, to be in various places and still communicate effectively.

I may not physically see too many people today, but think of how productive I can be!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I also find the beauty of technology much more when exploring them deeply.
